
Showing posts with the label cirque

Cirque Du Soleil Animals

Were inviting you for a new CirqueConnect Best of special featuring some of the best aerial acts from Cirque du Soleil. Cirque du Soleil is a dramatic mix of circus arts and street entertainment. 5 Amazing Animal Free Circuses You Should Check Out One Green Planet It was the first and foremost a circus without animals. Cirque du soleil animals . Performing animals arent actors t. On the contrary Cirque du Soleil focused on creating spectacular shows in which only human performers participated. Cirque du Soleil changed the nature of the show and thus decreased significant costs common to the industry. Furthermore Laliberté and Ste-Croix chose not to use circus animals which could have drawn the attention of animal rights activists and resulted in public criticism The Cirque du Soleil approach 2015. The music is compelling and the acts are amazing. T he saga of Cirque du Soleil is if not impossible then pretty improbable. We prefer to give jobs to human beings said ...