Are Violets Edible
One thing which remains constant however is that violet flower uses are abundant. Blossoms can be included in salads as well as soups as garnish. Sweet Violets Mother Earth News But before we get into a tailspin about differentiating between similar violets we should remember what Professor Gordon Hillman writes in Wild Food The leaves and flowers of all members of the violet family seem to be edible. Are violets edible . Flowers can be added to salads and soups as garnish. Leaves and flowers can be eaten raw or cooked raw leaves are nice and crunchy with a slightly mucilaginous texture. Known in cooking chiefly for their looks and fragrance violets have been used extensively as garnishes. They can be used in salads or cooked as greens. Other authors write that all species are serviceable. The whole wild violet plant is edible. Sweet Violets To me sweet violets Viola odorata also commonly known as English violets are one of the signs that spring has come to stay. ...