
Showing posts with the label killing

Killing Yellow Jackets

Once you see which bait the yellow jackets prefer you can use that bait to mix with an insecticide and use in your bait stations. Mix In an Insecticide. Killing Yellow Jackets Nest Soapy Water Starvation Youtube Choose an aerosol with a long-range jet spray that will allow you to stand back from the nest and still be effective. Killing yellow jackets . Removing ground-nesting yellow jackets requires care and precision because one nest may contain as many as 1000 insects. When yellow jackets nest in your home structure such as in eaves or ceilings and are hidden. I prefer the foam method Here is a link for thathtt. They ingest the meatinsecticide mixture killing the yellow jackets. When the nest is easily visible a foaming aerosol will both cover the openings and expand into the nest to trap and kill the yellow jackets. Always remember to wear protective clothing and cover yourself well with a face veil and gloves when you approach the nest to spray the wasps. Mix ...