
Showing posts with the label release

Trap Neuter Release Programs

In this section you will find materials on our policy on feral cats how to humanely reduce their numbers how to safely help these cats finding funding for fixing feral felines QA on. Much has changed since then. Tnr Trap Neuter Release Why It S Key For Marion County Voices Of Change Animal League The colony must be registered with the Toronto Feral Cat Coalition and caretaker must complete a half day Trap Neuter. Trap neuter release programs . TNR programs humanely trap outdoor free-roaming cats spay or neuter them and then return them to their colony locations. Trap Neuter Release Program WHAT IS TRAP NEUTER RETURN TNR. In 1990 few people knew the term feral cat much less how to deal with feral cats. Colonies that are involved in TNR diminish in size over time. Since feral cats are not socialized to interact with people they are not necessarily good candidates for adoption. After recovery the cat is returned to its home outdoors. The spayneuter clinic see informa...