Organic Dairy Farming
Production of milk from organic dairy farming has a lower ecological impact as proved by a recent research conducted in The Netherlands Oosting and de Boer 2002. On a return per litre basis some of the most profitable dairy farmers in the country are farming organically. Organic Dairy Farming A Resource For Farmers 2006 01 31 Amazon Com Books However reality does not always resemble this common belief. Organic dairy farming . Soil Association farmers must always feed their cattle at least 60 fresh or dried fodder roughage or silage on a daily basis. The public perception of organic farming could be hardly affected by negative ecological characteristics of organic farming. Organic Dairy farming means raising dairy animals on organic feed and providing them the access to pasture along with the restricted usage of antibiotics and hormones. Organic dairy products are procured from livestock which is raised through organic farming methods. GM animal feed is. More intensive dair...